... kunst ist ideologie- religions- gesellschafts- politik- alltags- kontextLOS ...
...art has nothing to do with ideology policy religion everyday life society context...
58 th Venice Biennale, Padiglione Europa
59 th Venice Biennale, Padiglione del Libro
60 th Venice Biennale, Padiglione Grenada
published in Atlante dell´Arte Contemporanea 2024,
layed out permanently in THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM, NY
Petra Mattes
Byron Coleman, critic of Andy Warhol, wrote about Petra Mattes in Gallery&Studio, New York:
If the paintings of the widely exhibited and collected German artist Petra Mattes are any indication, they may be a new species of abstraction brewing in the land of NeoExpressionism. Either that, or Mattes´s work is more unique than it struck us initially, on viewing her paintings in the 2007 year-round salon exhibtion at Montserrat Gallery, 547 West 27th Street, in Chelsea. One of the most innovative things about Mattes´s paintings is how successfully she synthesizes seemingly disparate tendencies. For while the general thrust of her compositions is somewhat minimalist, often with overall elements dispersed over generally monochromatic color fields, her vigorous paint handling results in a wide variety of subtle visual incident. Indeed, one cannot recall having recently encountered another painter who merges geometry and gesture quite so compellingly. Thus, on closer viewing one can´t help arriving at the conclusion that Mattes´s Expressionist heritage may be more deeply ingrained that one might have thought. This seems especially evident in her 2002 work entitled „N.Y.C.“, a diptych consisting of two tall, narrow adjoining canvases that inescapably evoke the Twin Towers of the world Trade Center, destroyed in the terrorist attack of a year earlier. The surfaces of both panels come alive with layered hues applied in the textual scumbling technique at which Mattes excels. In contrast to the variegated, scored and scratched hues that enliven most of the surface, with brilliant yellows bleeding through deeper, darker earth colors, the bottom of the left hand panel is covered by a more or less solid area of fiery red. This panel is also somewhat narrower that the one on the right, in which the colors are more homogenous and smoothly blended, creating a contrasting sens of density and weight to counterbalance the chromatic brilliance of its counterpart. For all thier coloristic and textural sumptuousness, however, the two adjoining panels of this work project a somber mood, in keeping with the timbre of the terrible event to which they so powerfully allude. Without being in the least bit obvious or mawkish, „N.Y.C.“ , comes across as an affecting tribute to a stricken city, stately and moving, possesed of a quiet dignity that hints at the monumental. Much of its power , as in other works by Mattes, lies in the artist gift of understatement, even as she expresses a remarkable range of emotions in an abstract context. Along with the color, texture plays a vital part in her visual vocabulary, as seen in another ( untitled) work at Montserrat Gallery, in which she achives a tactile surface with oil, crushed stones, and acrylic on canvas. She obviously likes to explore the expressive and poetic qualities of texture, as well as its purely physical attributes, to seduce the viewer on the different levels simultaneously. Yet the most notable aspect of her art is its formal exquisiteness, which comes across whether she is creating a composition based on geometric forms or freely indulging her gift for pure gesture. For Petra Mattes possesses an unusually broad visual vocabulary for an abstract artist, ranging from austere linear compositions, to densely saturated surfaces animated by a varity of strokes, marks and drips. Yet that her paintings are always readily identifiable seems to prove the truth of an old adage: „style is character "
published with my artwork : untitled, acryl on canvas, 133 x 155, 202
- heart beat - under the section
layed out in THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM ,NY, permanently
- Presentazione Libro " Congiunti " , Edito da Giunti , Pontificia Universita S. Tommaso
d´Aquino , 25 th January 2023 , Rom
- Published in Giunti Art Magazine " Arte e Dossier " , Rom
- Ausstellung - CONGIUNTI - Novara ( IT ) 8 . Sept. 2022 , Inauguration Daniele Radini
Tedeschi : alte Meister werden zeitgenössischen Meistern gegenübergestellt
- Premio Congiunti , Prix Grand Artiste , during Film Festival du Cannes 2022
Les meilleurs talents contemporains face aux maitres d ´hier
- Les Petits Eclairs -Galleria dei Miracoli , Rom ( IT ) , 24 - 30 Mai 2022
- 59 th Venice Biennale , Padiglione dell´Libro / Book Pavillon with the publication in
Atlante dell'arte Contemporanea de Agostini
- Installation - slavery - zur Kulturnacht Rottenburg a.N. 30.04.2022
- ARTISTI , EFFETTO ARTE GALLERY , Palermo ( IT ) by Salvatore Russo , Sandro Serradifalco
14 th January 2022
- Presentazione nazionale ATLANTE dell ´ARTE CONTEMPORANEA - edito DeAgostini
by Stefania Pieralice , Daniele Radini Tedeschi , Stefano Bordigioni , Teatro Italia , Rom ( IT )
30 th January 2022
- 4th International Prize LEONARDO DA VINCI by Salvatore Russo , 6th February 2022, Florenz , Palazzo Borghese
2021 :
- Winner THE GLOBAL ART AWARD TOKYO EDITION 2021 ( Category abstract painting )
- Segnalati Budapest , Pinter Art Gallery , Budapest ( HUN ) 23 - 29 Nov 2021
- POWER OF CREATIVITY ART PRIZE , Contemporary Art Curator Magazine ( 420 k follower ) US
- ARTIST OF THE MUSEUM , Francesco Gonzaga Art Edition , 01. - 10 . Oct. 2021 , Mantua ( IT)
- SPOLLETO ARTE , exhibition PRO BIENNALE , in Venice , 25 .Mai 2021 , curated and selected by VITTORIO SGRABI , art critic and politician , Italy
- CONTEMPORARY ART CURATORS MAGAZINE - INFINITE DREAMS - online show 01.02. to 01. 06.2021 ( 425 k Abonnenten Instagram )​
- Esposizione TRIENNALE DI ARTE VISIVE A ROMA , 11. June - 20 . June 2021 , Rome ( IT )
Palazzo Velli , selected by start.eu , Esposizione di Maestri internazionali , with Daniele Radini Tedeschi
- Caellum Gallery , New York ( USA ) June 2020, cancelled due to the Corona Crisis
- SWISS ART EXPO , ZÜRICH ( CH ) selected by ARTBOX.PROJECT Gallery 20 - 24 August 2020
- 1 th Biennale dei Normanni , International ArtExpo, MONREALE/PALERMO 12 . - 18 . - - - September 2020 , Museo of Modern and Contemporary Art , with Angelo Crespi, Edoardo Sylos Labini, Francesco Saverio Russo, Salvatore Russo , Vittorio Sgarbi
- ARTBOX.PROJECT MIAMI 2.0 , Wynwood Walls & Art District Miami , 02. - 08. 12. 2019
--Padiglione Europa Venezia, 58 th Venice Biennale , Palazzo Albrizzi Capello, 13- 19 Nov. 2019, curated and selected by start.eu
Luca Curci , during the 58 th Venice Biennale , 03. October to 24 November 2019 , Venice
- Monaco Yacht Show , by Artifact Gallery , 84 Orchard Street , New York
25 - 28 September 2019 , Monaco
- Mantova Artexpo: International Biennal of Contemporary Art , Diocesan Museum Francesco Gonzaga , Mantova (IT) 08. - 16 . 06 . 2019
- ARTBOX Gallery, Zürich (CH) , February 2019 and Artsy Magazine
- WATT 37 , Mailand (IT) and presentation of -ARTISTI 2019 - contemporary
artists book , by u.a. Vittorio Sgarbi, Salvatore Russo , Sandro Serradifalco
- MEAM Museo Europeu d´Arte Modern , Barcelona (ES) , 05 - 07. 04. 2019
- SWISSARTEXPO , Zürich (CH) , 15. - 19. August 2019
- ARTBOX GRROUPS Gallery , Zug (CH) , Februar 2019
- M.A.D.S. Gallery , Mailand (IT) , 08.- 30 . April 2019 , Tribute
to 500. anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci
- Inter​national Award " Pablo Picasso" by ACCADEMIA ITALIA IN ARTE NEL MONDO , in Antico Teatro " Apollo" , Lecce (IT) , 19 th Dec 2018
- International Award CARVAGGIO Great Master of Art, Milano, Theatre Litta, Dec 7th
- STRICOFF Gallery 564 W 25 th Street , New York, NY, 10001 by ARTBOX Project, Switzerland , March 2018
- Biennale of Nations- in Venice , 16 th to 19 th March 2018
​ in Scuola Grande di Santa Maria della Misericordia curated by Francesco Saverio Russo, Salvatore Russo, Sandro Serradifalco
- ART EXPO New York- 19 th to 22 th April 2018
- Pier 94 , Manhattan
curated by Rosi Raneri, coronari 111 Art Gallery
- upcoming show: "Segnalati " in Rom, Velli Palace, 5 - 8 July 2018International Giulio Cesare Prize, 7 July , Velli Palace, Rom
- Biennale of Flanders , Brügge, Oud Sint Jan Museum , 26 Nov - 01 Dez 2018 , curated by Salvatore Russo, Rom
- 2017 Rezension von Dott.Salvatore Russo, Rom, Herausgeber von ART International Contemporary Magazine
- Alchemic Body, in Jorge Jurado Gallery, Bogota, Kolumbien, vom 01. November bis 30. Novmeber 2017, curator Arch. Luca Curci , IT´s LIQUID GROUP
- Venice International Art Festival - Anima Mundi - during the 57 th Venice Art Biennale 2107 participation in - Elements - from shape to space - in Misericordia Archives , Venedig , vom 09. Mai bis 09. Juli 2017
- BIENNALE D`ARTE 2017, Peschiera del Garda,
31.03. 2017 - 03.04.2017
- THE NUANCE OF DREAMS Mostra Internazionale d ´arte contemporanea, Brügge - Rom ​ - Brügge, Out Sint-Jan Museum, from 06. - 15 Oktober 2017 Rom, Galleria Il Borgo , from 02. - 08. Dezember 201722-28 April 2017 (Vernissage 22. April 18:00)
- "..ist-das-KUNST-oderKANN-das-WEG…" Kulturnacht Rottenburg a. N., 18. April 2015, Installation
- "atomic time balls" Installation für die Kulturnacht Rottenburg a.N., 13. April 2013
- artists for freedom 2013 Gemeinschaftsausstellung in Ulm, April 2013
- ARTraumBERLIN 44/88 Gemeinschaftsausstellung, Mai 2013, Berlin
- "so far so close" Gemeinschaftsausstellung in Mailand, Juli 2013
- Cultural contact I, Venezia-Montreal a/r vom 01.03.2012 bis 15.03.2012 in Venedig
- Cultural contact V. Back to you, Santa Marinella (RM), August 2012
- "Meeting in Brooklyn/ New York" - GaleriaZero, New York, 07. - 20. Sept. 2011
- "Art et Automne II" - GaleriaZero, Paris, 21. - 27. Oktober 2011
- "Who is Who der europäischen Frauen " , 2010
- Aufnahme in das renommierte Verzeichnis: - Who´s Who in Visual Art - (100 Künstler der Medien, Malerei, Grafik, Digitalkunst, Skulptur. Vol. 2010-2011)
Art Domain Whois Verlag, Leipzig - Buch erhältlich bei amazon.
- Certificate of Excellence - Palm Art Award 2010
- Rottenburger Kulturnacht 2009
- visual echoes, 03-20 Juli 2009 in Beijing
- Aufnahme in das Verzeichnis: "Who is Who in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 15. Ausgabe" im September 2009.
- Confronti.Comparisons in Orvieto Italien
- Contemporary Beijing", 14 - 24 März 2008 im "Pickled Art Centre" in Beijing
- "sense and lines" 16.05.-31.05.2008 in GaleriaZero in Barcelona
- Kunstpfad - Versuchte Annäherung - in Rottenburg-Tübingen
- Rottenburger Kulturnacht 2007
- Galerie -les16anges-, Paris, Frankreich, Sept. Okt. 2007
- Ausstellung mit der Galerie "Galeriazero" aus Barcelona in Shanghai, Mai 2007
- "Biennale Internationale Dell`Arte Contemporanea" in Florenz, 1. - 9. Dezember 2007
- Galerie Classic-Art-House, Brüssel 01.-31.März
- Sudhausgalerie Peripherie, Tübingen Mai 2006
- Gewerbemuseum Spaichingen, farbräume, 31.09. - 30.10. 2006
- interurbanes Stoffbahnprojekt -ROT- in Landschaft zwischen Rottenburg-Tübingen
- 3rd Official Art Expo, Caraguatatuba, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
- New York , U.S.A., Montserratgallery, Chelsea, "Künstlersalon" 2005-2007
- Ausstellung in -OS-Gallery- Tokio, Japan
- Ausstellung "Galerie-am-Schloss" in Weimar zur langen Museumsnacht
- Teilnahme an Internationalem Kulturwettbewerb der Stadt Caceres, Spanien zur Bewerbung als Kulturhauptstadt Europas 2016
- Ausstellung in Rathaus Rottenburg a.N.
- Ausstellung -Sternwarte- Tübingen
- ​Gemeinschaftsausstellung in Spaichingen, Malerei, Bildhauerei
- Ausstellung "farb-räume" in Rathaus Sonnenbühl-Undingen
- Ausstellung zu Konzert im Sudhaus Tübingen
- action-painting zu Neuer Musik im Clubhaus Tübingen
- Ausstellung zu Neuer Musik im Alten Wiehrebahnhof Freiburg
- Ausstellung zu Tangokonzert im Sudhaus Tübingen
- Studiensemester und Ausstellung an der freien Kunsthochschule Metzingen
- Autodidaktische Studien, stärkere Hinwendung und Beschäftigung mit Malerei
- Abitur und Studienjahre der Wirtschafts-und Rechtswissenschaften in Siegen und Tübingen
- in Spaichingen geboren